New Game+

Chapter 257 - Lioncourt’s Capabilities

Everyone in the military knew that Git Godlike was currently under Matthew\'s protection. Matthew had always shown a great sense of enthusiasm towards them. As these gamers are still able to earn through their fans both domestically and internationally regardless of Australia\'s atrocities, the government was convinced by the Disciples that they were important.

After the attack on China, their treatment became more and more important. Even though Australia was still under such a great scandal and there were many online petitions to ban them from the e-sport world, the fact that they stood among the few who could defeat the Covenant. As such, various nations supported Australia secretly.

Of course, their group never got to join in the e-games because of the war and how dangerous it was to even play in a secure location. But it was decided that they would be placed under military protection. And with the manipulation of the Twelve Disciples, Git Godlike was eventually assigned under several members of these twelve spies.

The Twelve disciples had seen death daily. Every day, someone they knew would die when they were being experimented on Malay-Pangea. And they brought that horror to these E-sport players.

When all six members reached Unbecoming, Git Godlike would be sent to kill an organization that would be confirmed to be linked to the Pioneers. Most believe that Pangean residents who have not escaped Australia were the cause of this and were instigating terrorist acts against them.

Git Godlike had no choice but to kill them, or the bomb in their bodies would explode.

But even then, the people they killed did little to stain their guilt as they saw the organizations\' horrors. From sex slave rings to human experimentation, they saw it all.

"They were evil men." These was the words they would say after every mission.

But the numbed sensation of killing resurfaced once more. But Git Godlike pressed on.

The advance of the six was largely unnoticeable in the city. Most of the reports that flooded the command centers were about the reports of betrayal.

When the strange lightning bolt struck many of the Exoskeleton and Armors, infighting in the city began.

No one knew what was going on. Some of the soldiers did not even know that they were already shooting their fellow soldiers because they closed their eyes when they got hit.

And with the rumors of the many betrayals that occurred during the battle of the Kraken, the soldiers were already suspicious of each other. And just after a flashbang that blinded many soldiers, betrayal emerged.

All of these were factors that brought the city into further chaos.

And with that, the reports about Git Godlike were mixed into the crowds of reports.

The General\'s wore an apprehensive expression. After breaching the city, all traces of them were lost.

"Don\'t panic. The six Exoskeletons may have infiltrated the city butI\'ve locked into their presence."

"What?!�� The General was shocked.

"Tell your forces to stop shooting! They\'re adding to the noise!"

"My men are dying because traitors are here, and you are worried over some noise?!"

"There are no traitors! Those six used a strange ability! Think! If we believe them that they are after the Lost Primordial, these soldiers are from the WGP! The techs they used were able to program the Exoskeletons and Armors to aim and shoot at the nearest soldier got a few seconds! There are no traitors! It\'s all a trick! Tell your men to stop shooting each other!" Lioncourt shouted.

"How could-"

"We don\'t have time! Do it!" Lioncourt interrupted before Chester could answer back.

"Sir… There are reports that some of the soldiers are claiming that they didn\'t know what happened and that their Exoskeleton suit was acting on its own." One of the soldiers reported.

Chester\'s expression changed.

"Then do it! Tell all soldiers to stop shooting. There are no traitors!" The General ordered.

The soldiers immediately gave their broadcast, and while it was met with resistance, slowly, the group.

Looking at their movements, they seem to be headed towards the Magalus Complex. Send your forces there! The Lost Primordial could be there!"

"We have to see who or what is inside the Megalus Complex!"

"That\'s… the secret location of the Bringer of Change…"

"A Bringer of Change again… Are they really the Lost Primordial? But they called themselves Pioneer. And there\'s also that mysterious Aragarian term that I keep hearing from them…"

"How did you-?" Chester asked.

"After the Australian Avarice, I have been keeping tabs with your meetings. So I know that you\'ve had The election of Commanders was your weakness. Although I couldn\'t use my powers to understand and listen in to your talks inside your base, I could easily listen through the elected Commanders you had and what they would talk about at home. I could tell from their discussions on the bars or at their leisure time that they have been placing suspicions on several Bringer of Change. I heard that several Bringer of Change was already killed. The government just placed a double for these people, right?"

"It is as you say… Just how strong is your ability to listen on our conversations?"

"Not strong enough. I\'ve also been keeping tabs with these Bringer of Change. While I haven\'t heard them, they call themselves Lost Primordial, I\'ve heard the terms Aragarian and Pioneer."

After Lioncourt said that, he suddenly raised his hands as one of the soldiers was suddenly vaulted to the sky.

"Your heart quivered. Tell me about the Pioneer!" Lioncourt demanded.

The soldier was floating on the air, choking, and panicking.

"Tell me!"

"I don\'t know- ARRRGGG!"

His arms were suddenly ripped off. The scene shocked the soldiers.

"Lioncourt!" Chester panicked.

"He\'s working for them! I know what I\'m doing!" Lioncourt ignored Chester. No one dared to move as they witnessed the gruesome scene.

"Tell me!" Lioncourt demanded.

"I can\'t!" The soldier cried out.

"You can\'t? I see. A bomb. Interesting. But whose holding the trigger?"

The man\'s expression grew more and more afraid. And then…


The body exploded, and a bright yellow flame erupted out of the man.

Lioncourt acted swiftly and created a powerful force which contained the explosion.

A large sphere of fire appeared. It was as if there was a strong glass that was able to contain the explosion.

Sweat began to drop on Lioncourt\'s face as he tried to contain the blast.

Several computers were caught in the explosion, and three of the nearby soldiers perished.

The room was silent after the explosion.

"What- What did you-"

"Pay attention! That wasn\'t me! There was a powerful bomb placed in his body! But it blew up!"

"Don\'t think you can fool me! This is the last straw! Lioncourt! Kill us now! We will not obey you-"

"Think! Think! The Bringers of Change are dying left and right. How many BOC\'s have died on these last three months? And worst yet, you can\'t even identify who is doing it! If I were the enemy, I\'d put a bomb on these people so that if they die or if they encounter a heightened sense of fear, it would explode. I could feel his heart beating! It was what triggered the bomb! I saw it!"

"You felt it? Do you really think that I would believe that you could hear that person\'s heartbeat!"

"I\'ve heard you sing I\'m a Slave 4 U in the bathroom countless times! It\'s your favorite song, isn\'t it?"

Chester\'s expression changed as he heard Lioncourt\'s declaration.

"How do you think I kept tabs at your Commanders and even those BOC\'s? My hearing and the way I perceive things are vastly different from yours! I can even detect the six Exoskeletons\' location and even understand why your men began to attack each other! I don\'t have time for all of this. But you should accept this! You have a traitor in your midst! And luckily, one is now dead! This also means that the remaining soldiers in this control room are not working for this organization!"

"That doesn\'t prove anything! You have strange powers already! What if you had the power to blow up people?!"

"Why would I blow up someone and give that away? Didn\'t you see it clearly? I contained the bomb! If I didn\'t, you all would have died! I already made claims that I limited the explosion of the earlier attack!"

"General… If I may..." One of the soldiers stood up.

"I\'ve worked with Lance for several years. And after the Australian Avarice… He has been acting strangely and was very suspicious of things…"

Chester turned to that soldier and gave a meaningful glance.

"Do you believe the claims of this crazy old man?"

"Yes, Sir. I\'ve already reported this to Commander. He can attest to my reports."

Chester turned over the Commander in question, who also nodded.

"Can we get back to saving this city? Please?" Lioncourt asked again.

"What do we do with the six Exoskeletons?" Chester immediately asked.

"Nothing! By common logic, you shouldn\'t have detected them yet! You only know of their existence because of me! And my abilities are not something that can easily be acquired or copied! For now, we record their movements. Make it look like we have some cameras or soldiers who were coincidentally on certain locations. Since the orders are now closely monitored, we have to record what we did and why we did it. This is all to remove the blame that we are the Lost Primordial. Those Exoskeletons are our proofs that the BOC\'s are the Lost Primordials. And we prove that we could easily explain that these Exoskeletons may be among the team that General Harker allied with."

"I see. If we wait and see how this battle turns out, we might get the real Lost Primordial? If those words were true, then we can either prove that the Lost Primordial is the Bringer of Change or those Exoskeletons!"

"Exactly. There is also another possibility. The ones attacking us is the Lost Primordial. They are using the attack to misguide everyone. Why else would they use such a powerful and strong shockwave that announced their aims? Wouldn\'t that allow the real Lost Primordial to prepare or flee?"

General Chester nodded in agreement. This could be a ploy! Why else would they do that? Why create such an eye-catching opening?

"He\'s right! Call all units! Do not engage!" Chester hastily ordered.

"Not to engage?!" The officers were stunned. The Bringer of Change who was being attacked was an important member of Australia. He had given so many contributions to building up the city and has donated to so many charitable events. Though there were rumors, most inside this room was thankful for the various charities that the man did, especially when the Australian Avarice happened and people were relocated from one city to the next.

"I didn\'t say that we shouldn\'t attack them." Lioncourt interrupted.

"We still have to as they are our enemies. If you ignore this group and they succeed in killing the BOC, your superiors will question you why you didn\'t engage a group of Exoskeletons."

"So should we engage?" Chester then asked in frustration.

"Quite a predicament, right? You engage, it will look like you are protecting the Lost Primordial, you don\'t engage, and you will still get blamed for working with them! Regardless of what choice you use, you will be blamed by some of your team."

"Then what should I do?!"

"Just wait. Tell your men not to engage yet! If those Exoskeletons attack and we don\'t do anything, it will only make us look more suspicious! We observe first. If the Bringer of Change does not have any forces ready to retaliate, then the BOC is innocent."

"What if the BOC has already evacuated?"

"No. I am concentrating on them using my powers, and I can assure you, that the BOC is still in the building!"

"That might be a double!"

"I have already told you that I\'ve heard you do your rendition of the classic, I\'m a Slave 4 U! Do you want me to list all the post-modern female pop singers that you frequent? I have made my preparations, and I can tell if that BOC is the real one or a double!"

Chester was silent. He hated the fact that this man knew of his song choices. And worst was that this man was revealing it in front of his own men.

"What you guys should prepare for is to destroymthe entire block near the Megalus Complex."

"You want to bomb the entire complex? That will kill many civilians!"

"Yes. But we don\'t have a choice! None of your soldiers can fight against them! I\'ve seen them. Their skills or techs are so powerful. They could face an entire army of Evening and still survive. That\'s why I want them to face off with the BOCs."

"What if the BOCs don\'t know that an enemy is headed their way?"

"It is possible. We have raised the walls, after all. Fine. I want you to send orders directly to Captains and Colonels defending the city to prepare to wipe out the field. But at the same time, pass down a supposedly secret order to make the soldiers avoid clashing with these six Exoskeleton on route to the Megalus Complex. I trust that there are more spies in the army. They will inform the BOC\'s so that they can prepare. Do it now! We don\'t have much time!"

The orders were sent down, and the preparations were made.

The six Exoskeletons were expertly moving deep inside the city and were largely undetected because of electromagnetic interference that the six Exoskeletons were emitting.

Deep inside the Megalus Complex, a Pioneer was panicking and was sending out emergency pings to that person.

"Bringer! The city is being attacked by the Lost Primordial! We need backup! The enemies are approaching our location! This is Bringer of Change Harvey!" His panicked cries continued.

But what the Pioneer heard was the most heart-wrenching reply. In times of desperation, this was something that meant that their life would end.

On the other end of this highly secured comm line was a voice prompt.

"Apply for a Bank Personal Loan! No collateral, No Co-Maker, No Credit Card needed! Minimal documents required!"

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