The Legacy System

Chapter 191 - 191: Surprises Have No End

The Burly man, the Young Miss, and the guards were startled for a moment or two but they were able to quickly recollect themselves, and act.

They immediately called on the other guards to come and surround the premises, trying to round the runners up and then capture them once again.


At the same time, they approached each other, as they were looking carefully at their surroundings, as the person who was responsible for this had disappeared.

There was no sign of Eric in the surroundings, and this caused them to be even more alert of the situation.

A person who could clearly appear and disappear as he wished, and even be able to make them mistake their allies for enemies was certainly no simple, and easy fellow.

They couldn\'t and didn\'t dare to relax at this point. Even though their captives were running away, they couldn\'t move into action due to their fear.

Yes, they were fearful of the mysterious person. Someone who had been able to enter this place beside the security it had, and appear in front of them, surely had not just passed by!

This guy certainly had his own goals on reaching here and knew with whom he was dealing. His mask showed a bit of reservation towards them, but no one could deny his ba*lls or his abilities.

For that reason, they were all trying to stay closer to one another, and wait for his appearance so they could help each other, and defend against his attacks better.

At the same time, they could assess the general situation, and its possible reasons, because it didn\'t make sense for him to come here just for them, or for the captives.

Eric, on the other hand, seemed to be checking up on all the guards that were appearing, and locking on them with his spirit sense.

He was being careful not to miss even a single one of them, as they were all precious SP points that would help him get stronger.

He had released all the captives in order to force all the guards to come out, while his spirit sense seemed a bit clean, and didn\'t show many guards in the surroundings, his death laws said the opposite.

He didn\'t know whose side these hidden guys belonged too, or what was their purpose in all this, but he knew that none of them was here with good intentions.

Not to mention that their levels weren\'t really low either, as they were a little bit stronger than those he could \'see\' through his spirit sense.

If he had gone and attacked the people in front of him a moment ago and had managed to kill or apprehend them, his plans might get blown away from those guys in the hiding.

He couldn\'t allow such a variable to exist in what he was doing, so he acted as he did. With the chaos created by the captives as they were escaping, he had the confidence to deal with the new variable.

In fact, he thought something even better, as he took a kunai that he had bought from the shop a while back, and shot one of the non-empty boxes.

His kunai went towards the target\'s throat exactly, something that clearly surprised the hiding man, as he allowed it to come one inch close to his throat before he parred it away.

He had been extremely surprised to see that someone had been able to pinpoint his position like that, especially since he was an expert in stealth and hiding.

It was clear that the kunai was headed to him, and his position was already found, so he didn\'t see the need to hide anymore, as he revealed his position, and made a sign for the others to do the same.

The new group was made up of 11 people, they were all dressed in red and black ninja outfits, totally armed with guns, kunai, and shuriken.

Their dressing and weapons weren\'t the only things that were good about them, as even their levels, and strength was really good.

Not to mention their covert skills, their stealth, their positioning, all showed that these guys were professionals.

Most probably a team of scouts, or assassins trained only for special missions, with a truly well-prepared captain.

But their captain wasn\'t the only one to catch attention, as there seemed to be some other skinnier, and a shorter guy by his side, that stood almost on the same line as he did.

While the captain\'s eyes were totally focused, on the opponents in front of him, and the surroundings, thinking about the situation, that other guy seemed to be short-tempered and a bit good-for-nothing.

If they had still stayed in their positions even after that, then they were nothing more than easy targets, as their positions didn\'t give them much movement space.

But the most important issue at the moment was how, when, and by whom were they found out. Who was the person that threw the kunai towards him!?

Clearly, it was none of the six that were standing beside each other, as they seemed surprised to see their presence, and weren\'t acting.

So, the only left option was that other guy who had appeared in there. But who was he, and what was he doing here!?

Could it be that he had learned about the package too, and had come to try and rob it in front of their eyes?

How could it be though? Their mission was totally covert, and only they and their Boss had knowledge about it.

They hadn\'t left any loose ends on their side, and there shouldn\'t be any loose ends on the other side either.

While the new guys were in deep thoughts, and re-evaluating their position, the 6 people on the ground were in a really weird and complicated trance.

First of all, they had no idea on the presence of these newcomers in the least, as in fact, the whole bay should be under their control for the night, yet the reality was truly different.

Secondly, due to their alertness to the surroundings, they had felt the kunai that was thrown to the guy in there, and while it was a warning one, telling their position, it was still most probably thrown by that guy.

This clearly demonstrated that the masked guy and this new group weren\'t together, so they most probably represented another force in this situation.

These new guys seemed to have the same big problem as them though, as just as them, they were in high alert mode, continuously checking their surroundings.

Just like them, these new guys had no idea where that masked man was, and why was he here? Even though they seemed to have some guesses.

Still, this just complicated the situation more, as the burly man, and the Young Miss didn\'t know what to think of these new guys anymore.

Things had gotten to a weirder stalemate with at least 3 parties involved, as the human beings that were changing hands were just merchandise, they didn\'t have the necessary strength to have a say.

Still, the most troublesome guy remained that masked person, as no one had any idea about him, or his position most of the time.

Nobody was talking, they were just looking into each other\'s eyes trying to read the other person\'s thoughts and position.

Even that impatient fellow beside the captain of the new group seemed to be behaving, as he was staring at the fellows down there.

When they had gotten out of their stealth method they had appeared on top of a big container and were in a relatively higher position than the burly man, and the Young Miss.

Still, they didn\'t dare to attack each other right now, as the only one profiting from this would be the masked man in the shadows.

This problem left all of them thinking harder and harder to find a solution as the only people moving and screaming right now were the low-level guards of the two groups who were trading.

Those guys were using all tricks they could to round the people up, and then send them back to their containers.

This was made even more difficult, as these guys would run into different directions, would scream, and hit back. Some of them would even bite, with their long unwashed teeth.

Not to mention that were even those ladies who had great bodies and would make the guards have some dirty thoughts about them.

After all, those ladies needed punishment for their running, and what better way to do it than using their bodies for it.

Even their bosses wouldn\'t mind it much, as they were only scum anyway. Trash that was either sold by their own families or had sold themselves for pennies.

One such was a young lady, of around her early twenties. She was wearing a baggy hoodie and was being surrounded by 4 other people, two men, and two ladies, but her curves were mind-blowing.

Nobody could see her face, or her body really good, but this guard had managed to catch a glimpse of her body as her hoodie had been pulled from another guard.

As soon as he saw that juicy body, his mouth started getting watery, and he couldn\'t help but want to punish her with his body.

Even if he got in trouble with his boss over her, he would just pay her price and buy her for himself. They were a lawless and ruthless bunch of guys anyway.

He had no idea of what was going on the other side of this ordeal, and he didn\'t really care about it, as he was now totally concentrated on the juicy lady in front of him.

Making up his mind on the situation, he immediately got into action, and tried to jump the gun on her, when a sudden roar disturbed the whole place,

"What the fu*ck do you think you are doing, you motherfu*cking piece of shit!"

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