Rise My Elementals!

Chapter 387 - Where To Go? Part 1

Chapter 387 Where to go? part 1

Author: M_W Cancer

Proofreader: M_W Miss Fierce

As soon as Leo unfolded the map of the Hundred Labyrinths Continent, he then turned to look at everyone before saying, "Just a few kilometers from our current location right now and we would finally be stepping outside the territory of the Silver Kingdom. Into a new world and a new beginning. But, we still haven\'t thought about which place exactly we should begin, thus the reason why I took out this map."

Leo took out a stick inside one of his Storage Rings as he continued, "I have my plans for which place we should begin, but I liked to hear your opinions first. Let\'s begin with Cassandra," He passed the stick to Cassandra by his side.

Cassandra received the stick from Leo before turning to look at the map of the Hundred Labyrinths Continent.

Ever since Leo had proposed to them the idea of leaving Silver Kingdom, he had also asked them to think about where they should go? Where they should begin? And how they should start?

All three questions might be similar in thought, but actually, it wasn\'t; where they should go meant the place, where they should begin meant the path they should walk, and how they should start meant how to reach the end of that chosen path.

All three questions weren\'t easy to answer seriously, especially since it implies how they should fight against the Gods.

The first question was the easiest, as it only asks them the place they should go after leaving Silver Kingdom. But at the same time, it was also a difficult question.

If they just simply choose some random territory, specifically Human territory, as long as it\'s not Silver Kingdom, then why bother about leaving Silver Kingdom, to begin with, right?

Although Silver Kingdom was a backward territory, it wasn\'t like any other has a big difference.

All the territories have their own advantages and disadvantages, that\'s just natural and isn\'t strange at all, especially considering that the Human race has only existed 50 years or so in the Celestial World, meaning there is still not a perfect system set-up for everyone to use as a reference, especially in terms of the ruling system.

The popular ruling system back on Earth was democracy, but such a ruling system was only suited for peaceful times with only a few wars to exist, and the main focus was to help their own country develop to a brighter future.

However, right now, they were in constant war with the other Foreign races while their own Human race was almost being threatened to its extinction.

What\'s exactly required right now wasn\'t many people to lead, really, but rather the most powerful and wisest, thus the reason why monarchy was chosen.

Unfortunately, the monarchy ruling system on Earth was less developed compared to the Celestial World, that\'s why everyone is making do of what they have and just develop what they can develop. Simply put, just try doing what they can try on doing and just leave the rest to Fate.

Because of that reason, all the Human territories have their own advantages and disadvantages, which they should ponder seriously as there are high chances that the advantages aren\'t suited for them or the disadvantages are what they needed the most.

The second question about what path they should walk is the second most difficult question.

They already have a clear idea of starting a Guild, but Guilds has many different aims. Some thrive to become vassals of either a Kingdom, an Empire, an Organization, a Clan, or even those powerful Sect. Others want to just use it to gain profits for themselves. There are also others that just wanted to gather a group of people so as to not have a hard time in the Celestial World.

The most popular aims for Guilds is to become the biggest Guild in a specific industry. Like for example, the biggest Guild for Craftsman like Blacksmiths, Tailor, Alchemist, Inventor, and many more, the biggest Guild for Adventurers like Mercenaries, Bounty Hunters, and many more, or the biggest Guild for Business minded people.

All of those have different advantages and disadvantages as well, which, just like the first question, might be beneficial for them or not.

And the last question about how they should reach the end of the path they choose is the most difficult one.

Once they choose which path they should take as a Guild, their end goal was automatically set to fight against the Gods. The question then is; what steps should they take to reach that end goal?

Well, of course, the steps weren\'t something they should expect already, as it\'s really a vague matter.

However, they can still expect what kind of steps they\'ll most likely take in the path they choose. And with that, they will be able to know the advantages and disadvantages of that step.

Those were the meaning behind the three questions. And those were the exact things that Cassandra had been pondering about before this moment.

Although Cassandra wasn\'t a Human as she was a Vampire, but due to Leo\'s requirements, she had studied enough amount of knowledge about the territories of the Human race.

The Human race has over 50 different territories. Five of them were Empires with the topmost being the Dragon Horn Empire before being followed after by the Horizon Empire, Aurora Empire, Violent Lotus Empire, and lastly, the Holy Light Empire. The remaining 45 others were the Kingdoms of the Human race, with the topmost being the Asgard Kingdom and the lowest being the Silver Kingdom.

Cassandra slowly moved the stick in her hand as she pointed at the Aurora Empire.

The Aurora Empire is a territory more focused on the development of the aerial battle. The majority of their territory is flying up in the sky while the minority others are only left on the land. They have invented the most powerful Flyingboat and Flyingship of the Human race and had even invented tools that allow even ordinary people to fly up in the air. In fact, almost all the Flyingboats and Flyingships to ever exist in the Human race is invented by them. It\'s the 3rd most powerful Empire of the Human race, just below the Horizon Empire. And is actually located 10 Kingdoms away from the Silver Kingdom, specifically 2 Human Kingdom and the other 8 Kingdoms were allied Foreign races.

"In my opinion, we should go to the Aurora Empire. Why? Simply because they have the advantages of the Flyingboats and Flyingships. Taking the war in Silver Kingdom as an example, if we really fought a war against the Gods in the future, what we will require the most aside from manpower is a powerful tool capable of causing mass destruction, can tremendously help us in logistics, and has the advantage when fighting in both land and air. Such tools are the Flyingboats and Flyingships." Cassandra moved her stick away as she continued, "We can also use the Flyingboats and Flyingships as a bargaining chip to attract more capable people and even allies, travel into difficult places to get treasures and discover new ways to become powerful, and more importantly, we will also be able to afford to make a Flying Mountain one day if we start in the Aurora Empire."

Aside from Flyingboats and Flyingships, the Aurora Empire has also invented their most deadliest weapon of all time, the Flying Mountains.

Flying Mountains are territories flying up in the air, which are equipped with war weapons capable of attacking both land and air. They can also act as the hangar of Flyingboats and Flyingships, thus easy deployment for both. It can also be used as a base of operation with the advantage of being able to travel anywhere they can possibly go. And many more practical and necessary uses of a Flying Mountain.

Cassandra\'s eyes lit up with the mention of Flying Mountain as she finished her explanation, "With such a tool, we can easily combat the forces of those Gods!"

After saying that, Cassandra passed the stick to Elizabeth.

Elizabeth took the stick as she slowly pointed it to the Asgard Kingdom.

The Asgard Kingdom is the most powerful Kingdom amongst all the 45 Kingdoms of the Human race, specifically just below the 5th rank, Holy Light Empire. It\'s a territory with a size of 10 Silver Kingdom combined together and is just one step closer to becoming an official Empire. Moreover, it specializes in creating powerful Magic weapons and equipment. In fact, almost half of the top 100 weapons and equipment in circulation throughout the entire Human race is made by their own Craftsmen.

"In my opinion, we should not go to the Empires first, as it is extremely difficult to convince them to help us. They have the strictest laws and rules amongst all the Human territories, which would definitely just slow our development and might even cause us to be stagnant instead. On the other hand, if we choose the Kingdoms instead, then as long as we show the potential of being able to help them breakthrough to become an official Empire, which is a hundred percent possible since becoming powerful is also part of our goal, it would certainly be easy to convince them to help us." Elizabeth retracted the stick as she continued, "As such, the Asgard Kingdom, which is the territory closest to becoming an Empire, is the best candidate. Once we can help them become an official Empire, we can then request from them to buy the different special products of the other Empires, like for example, the Flyingboats, Flyingships, and the Flying Mountain of the Aurora Empire."

Giving the stick to Angel, Elizabeth ended her explanation with, "Aside from that, there\'s also a chance of us taking over the entire Asgard Kingdom before they can officially become an Empire. Am I correct, Mister Loki?"

Leo can\'t help smiling mischievously after hearing Elizabeth\'s question. He was quick enough to understand what her words implied.

The name Loki was derived from one of the books that he had read in the past. If his memories served him right, it\'s about Norse Mythology.

In Norse Mythology, Loki was one of the Gods that wanted to take over Asgard.

So, it would be very similar to the Norse Mythology if he indeed tries to take over the entire Asgard Kingdom.. The only difference is, unlike Loki from the Norse Mythology, he would be able to achieve such a goal permanently.

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